God is love vs. God restricts love. Mutually exclusive?

  • God is love vs. God restricts love. Mutually exclusive?

    Posted by Luke on April 20, 2023 at 1:22 am

    In this post, I will attempt to argue that the Christian God who is love and the idea that He

    condemns homosexuality are contradictory and mutually exclusive. First John 4 states very

    clearly in verse 7 that: “Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.”

    Therefore, if God is indeed love, one must ask the question of how God could be love and at the

    same time desire to restrict it or deny it from people of different sexual orientations. Although

    one might argue that love is only love or love in its truest form in a marriage between man and

    woman, recent times have made it apparent that two men or two women bound together by

    marriage could have equally functional, respectful, loving and even God-centric marital unions.

    Thus, in lgbtq relationships wherein love does apparently seem to occur, how can a God who is

    Himself love not also be in the midst of those relationships? And if He is in the midst of those

    relationships, how can He be so and also disapprove of this union of which He takes part. The

    following argument captures this idea:

    1. If love exists within homosexual marriages, then God is in the midst of those

    relationships because He is love.

    2. Love does apparently exist within homosexual marriages.

    3. So, God is in the midst of homosexual relationships.

    To many if not most Christians, I would assume that each of the first two premises and the

    ensuing conclusion are outright false but that perhaps the second is most Biblically

    objectionable. To wit, narratives such as those of Lot in Sodom frown upon apparent

    homosexuals who want to have relations with unwilling visitors. These sexual predators are then

    appeased when Lot instead sends out his two virgin daughters to sacrifice their virginity for the

    apparent sake of upholding a semblance of sexual virtue. Thus, homosexuals are portrayed as

    simply sex-crazed individuals who pervert God’s vision of love as He created it to be.

    To this, I would simply object and say that those Sodomites who pursue the visitors were simply

    not homosexual if they could have been appeased by offering them women. Per the definition of

    homosexuality that we have observed today, true homosexuals would likely not be enticed by

    the opposite sex due to a lack of attraction.

    Perhaps conceptions of homosexuality did not altogether even exist during Biblical times and

    that people who did have homosexual relations often were scolded for doing so immorally or as

    a betrayal of their heterosexual marriages. This also sheds an interesting light on verses such

    as Leviticus 18:22, which–instead of scolding homosexuality–scolds sex-crazed individuals who

    betray their heterosexual marriages.

    The modus ponens argument above seems to give only two options if the argument is itself

    valid and true: either the Christian God must not exist or Christian conceptions of God despising

    homosexual relationships is wrong. For those who see truth in this argument, there seems to be

    a clear path in the form of culturally contextual Biblical interpretation to dispute the claim that

    God frowns upon homosexual relationships.

    Unknown Member replied 1 year, 1 month ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • kravarnik

    April 20, 2023 at 8:28 am

    This is an ad-hoc argument, because it doesn’t establish what God means by love and what is meant by God being “in the midst of a relationship(based on love)”.

    In other words, your argument is equally applicable to “murderers who really love their murder victims”, or “thieves that really love the goods/objects they stole”, or “the idolater who really loves his idol and the deity of his idol loves him back(so, it’s a relationship of mutual love, thus Christ must be in the midst of an idolater and his idol and their relationship of love)”.

    Thus, you need to introduce distinguishing principles that signify which “love” that man is capable of showing is in God’s Image, and which isn’t, because God Himself proclaims that there are types of “love”, or rather “things and people to love” which aren’t mandated by Him. For example – you shouldn’t love money. Or if you’re in marriage, you cannot commit adultery, even if you “really love” your mistress and your mistress “really loves you back”.

  • Unknown Member

    April 20, 2023 at 12:40 pm

    Calling God a liar is not the way to win friends and influence people. Instead, make friends for yourself with the mammon of wickedness, so that when you fail they may receive you into the everlasting dwellings.

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